
Cezar Kelso

Senior Detective

Los Angeles, CA 90001

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Highly skilled and experienced law enforcement professional with over two decades of service in various specialized units. Adept at conducting complex investigations, coordinating tactical operations, and providing leadership in high-pressure situations. Known for exceptional problem-solving abilities, strategic thinking, and dedication to upholding the law. Seeking opportunities to leverage expertise in a challenging environment where I can continue to make a meaningful impact.

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Senior Detective

Los Angeles, California

1990 - Present
  • Lead investigations into organized crime, drug trafficking, and high-profile criminal activities.
  • Conducted extensive surveillance operations utilizing advanced equipment and techniques to gather critical intelligence.
  • Collaborated with federal agencies such as the FBI and DEA on joint task forces to dismantle criminal syndicates.
  • Played a pivotal role in numerous undercover operations, successfully infiltrating criminal organizations and gathering actionable evidence for prosecution.
  • Trained and mentored junior officers in surveillance tactics, undercover operations, and tactical maneuvers.
Law EnforcementPolice WorkTactical OperationsCase Management

Tactical Team Leader

Los Angeles, California

1985 - 1990
  • Led SWAT operations in high-risk situations, including hostage rescues, armed standoffs, and counter-terrorism missions.
  • Developed and implemented tactical plans tailored to specific scenarios, ensuring the safety of hostages, civilians, and law enforcement personnel.
  • Conducted specialized training for SWAT team members in firearms proficiency, close-quarters combat, tactical movement, and hostage negotiation.
  • Coordinated with local, state, and federal agencies to support joint operations and enhance interagency cooperation.
  • Provided expertise and assistance in the planning and execution of high-profile security details for visiting dignitaries, VIPs, and major events.
SWATSurveillanceUndercover OperationsEvidence GatheringCase SolvingInterviewing Skills
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Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Criminal JusticeLaw EnforcementLegal StudiesPublic SafetyCourt System

Advanced SWAT Tactics and Leadership Training

FBI Academy

Conflict ResolutionStrategic PlanningRisk AssessmentFirearms TrainingEmergency Response
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Certified Tactical Emergency Medical Technician (TEMT)


The Tactical Emergency Medical Technician (TEMT) certification trains healthcare professionals to provide advanced medical care in tactical and high-risk environments, such as law enforcement operations, military settings, or emergency response scenarios. TEMTs are trained to rapidly assess and treat traumatic injuries, stabilize patients in adverse conditions, and closely collaborate with tactical and rescue teams to ensure the safety and well-being of victims.

Tactical MedicineFirst Aid TrainingCritical CareTriage Protocol
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The Crew

11/2022 - Present

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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